Can You Engineer Passion? (part 3 of 5)L. Eric Culverson posted on June 07, 2013 |
Engineering is a rewarding --but very demanding job. At a certain point, it’s easy to get bogged down in the task-oriented, process driven mechanics. At which point, your individual enthusiasm, your willingness to stretch yourself, take risks, and try something totally new wanes. But in today’s competitive workplace, you cannot afford to lose your spark of passion. You cannot afford to become one-dimensional.
But, what if you could feel passionate about each day?
The good news is that you can. Each of us possesses multitude of talents, creativity, and inspiration. Yet, many of us have not allowed ourselves to discover, develop or share these gifts.
They’re still present, often hidden just beneath the surface, patiently waiting for us to take the time and focus to call them out. They’re an innate part of who we are, but we need to make an effort to nurture and grow these hidden attributes.
We must incorporate them into a life of far-reaching possibilities. Believe me, a little bit of passion goes a long way! 
Passionate people are described as being zealous, enthusiastic, and laser-focused. Passion is that spark of life deep inside; it coaches, cajoles, and directs us even when we are not fully aware of its existence.
It’s so easy, and common to lose ourselves in the pursuit of financial security and success. As technical professionals, we can forge our way into successful careers and even personal relationships without ever consciously acknowledging the underlying lack of true passion.
What excites you? What do you feel strongly about? What would you do even if you didn’t get paid? What was the childhood dream you buried? What do you secretly wish you could do?
Are you willing to step beyond your comfort level? Take a risk for your own personal development. It’s not too late. And it’s not about changing who you are. No, it’s about expanding all that your capable of.
L. Eric Culverson,, is author of The Competence Myth, President of Technically Speaking, Inc.,, and conducts interactive communication workshops for engineers. For more information, visit Follow on Twitter @ericculverson