Mindfulness Meditation for Engineers: How to Meditate As An Engineer Without Moving To The HimalayasAnthony Fasano posted on July 10, 2015 |
In this session of The Engineering Career Coach (TECC) Podcast, Christian Knutson will explain the b...

The following is a summary of Episode 67 of my podcast, The Engineering Career Coach (TECC) Podcast. I will summarize the main points in this post; however, you can also listen to the show through the
website or by
subscribing on iTunes. I offer a career-changing tip at the end of each podcast session.
In this session of The Engineering Career Coach (TECC) Podcast, Christian Knutson will explain the benefits of mindfulness meditation and how you can apply them in your life.
Listen to this session and learn how to apply mindfulness meditation in your personal life:
Benefits of mindfulness meditation:
- Improves focus
- Provides mental resiliency
- Ability to deal with the ‘friction of life’
- Tactics to control mind and anxiety
Chris breaks down a couple of books and discusses the key takeaways and how you can apply them in your personal life.
Search Inside Yourself by Chade-Meng Tan
- Why be mindful: It brings focus and clarity into your mind.
- Why being emotionally smart is important:
- It contributes to stellar performance as an engineer.
- Over 80% of the quality of effective leaders is linked to emotional intelligence.
- It has the ability to create the conditions for happiness.
There are seven key take-aways that are also summarized in the book note under the references below with some tips on how to actually practice the mindfulness meditation.
Wherever You Go There You Are by Jon Kabat-Zinn
- What patience truly is.
- Every moment is an opportunity to practice.
- Mindfulness is not about getting more or achieving enlightenment, but it’s about trusting yourself and being grateful for what you have right now.
Chris also provides a guided meditation that you can download to help you start the mindfulness meditation practice.
Have you tried doing the mindfulness meditation practice?
Anthony Fasano, PE, author of Engineer Your Own Success, found success as an engineer at a very early age and now writes and podcasts to help other engineers do the same. Visit Anthony’s website at EngineeringCareerCoach.com to access all of the free engineering career resources he has created to help engineers succeed.