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Er.Sonalli Nasikkar
Does the PE certification in structure & foundations from Institute of Engineers ,India is valid in canada ? View All
well PE in India also has two steps of exams like any other countries.....I am planning to search a good opportunity in Canada after completion of my PE.

17 years ago - 6 months left to answer. - 1 response - Report Abuse
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Graham Proudley
I took the liberty of personally emailing Engineers Canada to try and track down the asnwer to this question. Here is what they said. "Engineers Canada does not have any agreements with India regarding professional qualification nor does it have any agreements with India for substantial equivalency of engineering programs. Therefore, our provincial/territorial engineering regulatory bodies would assess individuals from India on an individual basis. They would take into consideration factors such as the individual's academic qualifications and work experience, and determine the appropriate examination program for the individual to become licensed in Canada. The PE certification from India will most likely not be considered in their assessment.

I hope this answers your question. If you would like to contact the regulatory bodies for more information, please visit for their contact information."

17 years ago


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